Hitler reacts to Black Canary's death
1,387 views • 4/12/2016
Arrow season 4 spoilers
00:00 - 00:03 | We still have no idea what Darhk and HIVE are up to. |
00:04 - 00:05 | But we do know where they're hiding. |
00:05 - 00:07 | They've been seen in these points of Star City |
00:08 - 00:12 | Captain Lance told us about Darhk's hideout... |
00:12 - 00:15 | and what appears to be a cornfield over here. |
00:17 - 00:19 | Green Arrow and Black Canary should go and take a look |
00:19 - 00:22 | I'm sure they'll find out what's going on. |
00:24 - 00:26 | Mein Fuhrer... |
00:27 - 00:28 | The Black Canary... |
00:31 - 00:33 | The Black Canary is dead. Darhk stabbed her with an arrow. |
00:34 - 00:36 | The doctor said she'd be fine, but minutes later, she died. |
00:53 - 00:58 | Those who have read a Green Arrow comicbook before, can leave the room. |
01:13 - 01:15 | Those fucking bastards! |
01:15 - 01:17 | Why the fuck did they kill her off?! |
01:18 - 01:23 | Don't the writers know how important she is in the Green Arrow mythos?! |
01:25 - 01:28 | She's a badass superheroine. |
01:29 - 01:31 | This season she got more shit done than Diggle or Felicity. |
01:31 - 01:34 | They spent 4 seasons developing her character. |
01:34 - 01:37 | And now she was one of the best characters of the show. |
01:37 - 01:40 | Why would they kill her now that she's cool?! |
01:40 - 01:42 | Mein Fuhrer, they do that all the time in Game of Thrones. |
01:42 - 01:46 | Game of Thrones is quality TV; it is not written by tumblr morons! |
01:46 - 01:48 | Mein Fuhrer, the story in Arrow is more organic than in GoT. |
01:48 - 01:52 | I'm sick of Uncle Guggie and Aunt Wendy crapping on the fans. |
01:53 - 01:54 | They must be fired! |
01:56 - 01:57 | They turned Arrow into a soap opera. |
01:57 - 02:00 | The fights are extremely shitty now... |
02:00 - 02:03 | it looks as if the characters were dancing. |
02:04 - 02:08 | The Green Arrow doesn't fire arrows anymore. |
02:08 - 02:13 | He always needs help of the whole team or else he gets his ass kicked. |
02:14 - 02:16 | And even that stupid Cupid beat him! |
02:17 - 02:21 | The bees would've killed him if not for Felicity and her freaking lamp! |
02:27 - 02:29 | Arrow had so much potential. |
02:30 - 02:34 | It had good writing, good story. I watched it every week. |
02:34 - 02:36 | It was one hell of a show. |
02:41 - 02:42 | But it went downhill. |
02:43 - 02:47 | Because Guggenheim wanted to please the kids from twitter and tumblr. |
02:48 - 02:53 | He ruined the show just like he did with Green Lantern and Percy Jackson. |
02:54 - 02:56 | Only to please Felicity fans. |
02:56 - 02:59 | He killed an iconic DC character... |
03:00 - 03:02 | so that Ollie could marry that whiny chick. |
03:04 - 03:08 | It's OK, he doesn't know you ship Olicity. |
03:14 - 03:16 | I'm done with this show. |
03:19 - 03:23 | I'll only read OnBenchNow synopses from now on. |
03:25 - 03:26 | They're awesome. |
03:31 - 03:34 | Guggie needs to be put in check. |
03:40 - 03:46 | He's also ruining Legends of Tomorrow. He's turning it into another love drama with Ray and Kendra. |
03:46 - 03:49 | We cannot let him touch The Flash. |
03:53 - 03:56 | Grodd help us all. |
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