Armada Store Champs
216 views • 8/29/2017
Reports from the front lines on the final engagement to end the tournament.
00:00 - 00:05 | Did you hear about the Outer Rim tactics that were used at an Armada Store Champs tournament? |
00:05 - 00:07 | Those bastardos never fight fair, they are scummy. |
00:07 - 00:10 | As if Armada is a competitive game, anyway? |
00:11 - 00:16 | You want to play a competitive game, then go play X-Wing instead. |
00:17 - 00:21 | He ran away, no shots fired!!! |
00:21 - 00:24 | No dice. |
00:29 - 00:31 | No dice! |
00:31 - 00:34 | They were never in range for attacks! |
00:38 - 00:40 | None rolled! |
00:41 - 00:47 | His opponent had an alpha strike of 35 dice across six attacks and they never got into attack range at all! |
00:47 - 00:50 | He only had a return fire of 15 dice with four attacks. |
00:50 - 00:56 | So instead of jousting the list he couldn't beat, he turned his ships and ran to the board edge! |
00:58 - 00:59 | Advanced Gunnery! |
00:59 - 01:01 | His opponent should have chose Contested Outpost! |
01:04 - 01:06 | His opponent deployed in the corner |
01:06 - 01:08 | at low speeds! |
01:13 - 01:14 | No dice! |
01:14 - 01:16 | Opponent didn't select Nav on his dial! |
01:16 - 01:20 | So he couldn't change speed to catch the ships flying away! |
01:21 - 01:27 | Great big fucking guns and he didn't get a chance to roll one single attack dice! |
01:35 - 01:36 | He crawled across |
01:36 - 01:39 | the board at speed 1. |
01:41 - 01:44 | Trying to engage for a fight. |
01:44 - 01:47 | Hoping that the Outer Rim scum would fight with honour. |
01:47 - 01:49 | Wanting to roll dice. |
01:50 - 01:53 | Instead, he couldn't get into range! |
01:54 - 01:56 | Avenger. |
01:56 - 01:58 | Overload Pulse everywhere. |
01:58 - 02:02 | Gunnery Teams on all ships with Leading Shots. |
02:05 - 02:07 | 35 dice. |
02:10 - 02:11 | Nothing. |
02:11 - 02:13 | No shots. |
02:15 - 02:17 | Disposable Capacitors doing nothing! |
02:17 - 02:20 | While he pops squadron commands on his ships. |
02:21 - 02:28 | For the one single squadron he brought, Cienna Ree, who did nothing the whole game! |
02:29 - 02:30 | He had one squadron? |
02:30 - 02:32 | Yeah, it never fired! |
02:36 - 02:39 | He never got into attack range. |
02:40 - 02:42 | He could have picked Solar Corona. |
02:50 - 02:55 | Staring into the fucking sun would have been better than not rolling dice. |
02:56 - 02:58 | What did he do when he lost? |
02:58 - 03:04 | He called the Outer Rim scum a weak, unsportsmanlike arsehole. |
03:04 - 03:09 | As if the Outer Rim scum has never been called that before! |
03:09 - 03:11 | Water off a duck's back. |
03:16 - 03:20 | They never rolled dice! |
03:23 - 03:26 | The best part is that in a tie for points... |
03:31 - 03:36 | the second player gets a 6-5 win and the opponent didn't know until it was all over! |
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