Downfall: 2016
20,346 views • 10/4/2016
Scene: Early October, in a room on the Fifth Floor of Trump Tower...
00:00 - 00:03 | Nate Silver puts Clinton at a 73% chance of victory. |
00:04 - 00:05 | They are outspending us on TV by 4 to 1. |
00:05 - 00:07 | In Florida, they have spent $46 million. |
00:08 - 00:12 | She is winning in North Carolina. |
00:12 - 00:15 | And gaining ground in New Mexico and Florida. |
00:17 - 00:19 | The Assange leak will destroy her. |
00:19 - 00:21 | Drudge will lead with it. |
00:24 - 00:26 | Mr. Trump... |
00:27 - 00:28 | Assange... |
00:31 - 00:33 | Assange's announcement was a PR stunt. |
00:34 - 00:36 | He was just trying to sell books. |
00:53 - 00:58 | The following people will stay here: Fitzpatrick, Bossie, Scavino, and Bannon. |
01:13 - 01:15 | Stone said it was an October surprise! |
01:15 - 01:17 | He put it all over Twitter! |
01:18 - 01:23 | Why am I sucking up to Putin if his pet hackers can't deliver! |
01:25 - 01:28 | So this is what it has come to. |
01:29 - 01:31 | Hannity, Breitbart, Lewandowski--they've all been lying to me! Even Giuliani! |
01:31 - 01:34 | Our alt-right trolls are just a bunch of anonymous morons. |
01:34 - 01:37 | The same stupid Pepe meme over and over! |
01:37 - 01:40 | They are cowards and losers! |
01:40 - 01:42 | I can't permit you to insult the 8chan subscribers. |
01:42 - 01:46 | Our Internet trolls are the scum of America! |
01:46 - 01:48 | Mr. Trump, this is outrageous! |
01:48 - 01:52 | They call themselves trolls? |
01:53 - 01:54 | Years of studying photoshop, eating Hot Pockets in basements. |
01:56 - 01:57 | Just to make a stupid picture of a frog. |
01:57 - 02:00 | Nobody even knows what the frog means anymore! |
02:00 - 02:03 | How do I win Florida with pictures of fucking frogs? |
02:04 - 02:08 | You told me my crowds were huge |
02:08 - 02:13 | You told me we didn't need to spend money on tv ads. |
02:14 - 02:16 | Of course we need television ads to win a national election! |
02:17 - 02:21 | What I should have done is keep Manafort on the payroll, like Yanukovych. |
02:27 - 02:29 | I never served in the Senate. |
02:30 - 02:34 | Yet I won 35 states all by myself. |
02:34 - 02:36 | Yet I won 35 states all by myself. |
02:41 - 02:42 | Traitors. |
02:43 - 02:47 | I've been deceived and betrayed from the very beginning! |
02:48 - 02:53 | What a monstrous betrayal of "The Apprentice" fans. |
02:54 - 02:56 | But those traitors will pay. |
02:56 - 02:59 | You think I'm going to pay my campaign bills? |
03:00 - 03:02 | They will drown in small-claims lawsuits! |
03:04 - 03:07 | Gerta, it's okay. We were paid in advance. |
03:14 - 03:16 | My orders have fallen on deaf ears. |
03:19 - 03:23 | Under these circumstances, I am no longer able to win... |
03:25 - 03:26 | It's over. |
03:31 - 03:33 | The campaign is lost. |
03:40 - 03:46 | But gentlemen, if you believe I am going to start shaking hands in diners, |
03:46 - 03:49 | you are seriously mistaken. I'd rather blow my brains out. |
03:53 - 03:56 | Do whatever you like. |
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