You Better Make 4 Stops!
346 views • 2/27/2019
The Sergeant doesn't like a task left undone! Get it done, or face his wrath!
00:00 - 00:03 | The traffic detail is setup at 52 and 59. |
00:04 - 00:05 | Units are set up |
00:05 - 00:07 | here, here, and here |
00:08 - 00:12 | Its been a busy night. We had a BMV, a domestic, and multiple 10-90s |
00:12 - 00:15 | And we have multiple items of evidence to enter. |
00:17 - 00:19 | As long as you all have 4 stops |
00:19 - 00:21 | everything will be fine |
00:24 - 00:26 | Sergeant Butcher... |
00:27 - 00:28 | Johnson.... |
00:31 - 00:33 | I only made 3 stops... |
00:34 - 00:36 | but you wanted me to get evidence entered. |
00:53 - 00:58 | Everyone except Johnson, Schloesser, and Welsh get out. |
01:13 - 01:15 | I SAID 4 STOPS!!!! |
01:15 - 01:17 | How hard is it to get 4 stops?! |
01:18 - 01:23 | This is my shift and I EXPECT 4 stops! Its not that hard! |
01:25 - 01:28 | And one business check after midnight. |
01:29 - 01:31 | Don't expect me to approve your Daily! |
01:31 - 01:34 | When I say 4 stops, I mean 4 stops! |
01:34 - 01:37 | You three a disgrace to my shift! |
01:37 - 01:40 | I should write you all up for not doing a simple task! |
01:40 - 01:42 | Sergeant Butcher, we were all down on calls. We tried. |
01:42 - 01:46 | Bullshit! The stops are out there. It's not that hard! |
01:46 - 01:48 | Sergeant Butcher, you wanted evidence done. |
01:48 - 01:52 | That's no excuse. I was in traffic 10 years. I always got my stops! |
01:53 - 01:54 | You're all useless! |
01:56 - 01:57 | I expect the people on my shift |
01:57 - 02:00 | to do their job as I see fit. I don't care what you're used to. |
02:00 - 02:03 | I am the Sergeant. If I say jump, your only question should be how high! |
02:04 - 02:08 | And you better reach that height, Ryan! |
02:08 - 02:13 | 3 stops is unacceptable when the minimum is 4, you ingrates! |
02:14 - 02:16 | In the depths of my soul, I know 4 stops is not that hard! |
02:17 - 02:21 | It's almost shift change. You have plenty of time to get your stops done! |
02:27 - 02:29 | Look what you've done to me! |
02:30 - 02:34 | I'm shattered to my core at such blatant betrayal. |
02:34 - 02:36 | I don't understand it. Its 4 stops. |
02:41 - 02:42 | I want evidence entered. |
02:43 - 02:47 | I want evidence entered right now, and God help you if its not to my liking! |
02:48 - 02:53 | Then you will go out and get another traffic stop. |
02:54 - 02:56 | I don't care if you're here all day. |
02:56 - 02:59 | I really don't care if you are here all day! |
03:00 - 03:02 | I will not be ignored. You will get 4 stops! |
03:04 - 03:07 | Don't worry, Kacey. Crisco will be done cleaning soon. |
03:14 - 03:16 | What am I going to do with this shift? |
03:19 - 03:23 | 3 stops is just such an unwelcome turn of events. |
03:25 - 03:26 | Johnson can't use commas. |
03:31 - 03:33 | The proper use of commas is basic to understand. |
03:40 - 03:46 | It goes within a sentence. Its a period with little tail, and it deserves our respect. |
03:46 - 03:49 | Anything less than proper use makes me really sad. |
03:53 - 03:56 | Unfuckingbelieveable. |
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