Hitler Discovers Robert Mueller Knows Nothing
38,752 views • 7/24/2019
In the bunker, the Resistance learns the truth about Robert Mueller's testimony.
00:00 - 00:03 | The Russian collusion case is dead. |
00:04 - 00:05 | They know Halper set it up. |
00:05 - 00:07 | Mifsud isn't even Russian. |
00:08 - 00:12 | They know all about Azra Turk. |
00:12 - 00:15 | Barr is getting ready to declassify everything. |
00:17 - 00:19 | We can deal with no collusion. |
00:19 - 00:21 | We still have Mueller's testimony. |
00:24 - 00:26 | Sir... |
00:27 - 00:28 | Mueller... |
00:31 - 00:33 | Mueller doesn't even know what day it is. |
00:34 - 00:36 | He just mumbles "beyond my purview" 24/7. |
00:53 - 00:58 | Everyone out. Simpson, Steele, Schiff, Comey, and Clapper can stay. |
01:13 - 01:15 | "Let Mueller do it!" you said. |
01:15 - 01:17 | "Mueller will get rid of the bad orange man!" |
01:18 - 01:23 | You guaranteed that Mueller would clean up the mess you made! |
01:25 - 01:28 | "Mueller will convince them to impeach!" |
01:29 - 01:31 | Did you not see what happened today? |
01:31 - 01:34 | He didn't even deny all the CNN leaks! |
01:34 - 01:37 | A retarded goldfish would've been more convincing. |
01:37 - 01:40 | Instead you sent a guy who didn't read his own report! |
01:40 - 01:42 | Mueller was a Marine. And FBI director! |
01:42 - 01:46 | He spent five hours out there licking windows and eating glue! |
01:46 - 01:48 | He was a full partner at Wilmer Hale. |
01:48 - 01:52 | The man was forced to recant the only good testimony he gave. |
01:53 - 01:54 | He had to correct Ted Lieu! |
01:56 - 01:57 | "Full partner at Wilmer Hale." |
01:57 - 02:00 | More like "PATHETIC FAIL." |
02:00 - 02:03 | Babylon Bee mocked him for answering a banana phone. |
02:04 - 02:08 | A f***ing banana phone. |
02:08 - 02:13 | A regular Fredo Corleone Esquire, this guy. |
02:14 - 02:16 | "Oh, he's smart. Not dumb, like everyone says." |
02:17 - 02:21 | The whole point of getting stupid Emo Giraffe Comey fired here... |
02:27 - 02:29 | ...was to get a special counsel. |
02:30 - 02:34 | And the whole point of getting a special counsel appointed... |
02:34 - 02:36 | ...was to get subpoena and grand jury power... |
02:41 - 02:42 | ...and force impeachment. |
02:43 - 02:47 | How are we going to impeach Drumpf when the guy who investigated him... |
02:48 - 02:53 | ...identifies as a f***ing kitty cat on the hunt for Tweety Bird? |
02:54 - 02:56 | It's over. |
02:56 - 02:59 | There's no way out from here. |
03:00 - 03:02 | You made your beds, and now you'll sleep in them. |
03:04 - 03:07 | Just wait for Rachel Maddow. She'll know what to do. |
03:14 - 03:16 | You colluded with Russians and got caught. |
03:19 - 03:23 | You used honeypots and got caught. |
03:25 - 03:26 | You leaked and got caught. |
03:31 - 03:33 | Horowitz knows everything. |
03:40 - 03:46 | Durham knows everything. |
03:46 - 03:49 | Barr knows everything. |
03:53 - 03:56 | And Trump's going to be president forever. |
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