00:02 - 00:05 | Caspar: Assemble The Minions! |
00:05 - 00:09 | [Intense Music] |
00:10 - 00:16 | [EDGE] Caspar Is Now Playing Foxhole: Pre-Alpha |
00:17 - 00:20 | [EDGE[ Caspar Is Online (Fox 2) |
00:34 - 00:37 | Caspar: @Minion @MinionEnforcer Minions Assemble |
00:37 - 00:40 | Stronk: Okay Okay My Mastermind! |
00:41 - 00:42 | Stronk: Come On Björnik! |
00:43 - 00:45 | [Björnik Screams In Agony] |
00:45 - 00:49 | Stronk: Get To The Discord! @Minions |
00:50 - 00:53 | xSmithyx: And so I said to Zaz [Untranslatable] |
00:53 - 00:57 | xSmithyx: Then he said "No I'm a valued Member of EDGE!" |
00:57 - 01:00 | [Laughing] |
01:00 - 01:05 | [Minions Assembling] |
01:05 - 01:08 | Dr Baron: Come Quickly! Weekly War Starting! |
01:09 - 01:12 | Plutarch: One, Two, One Two, One Two And Praise Be Caspar! |
01:12 - 01:15 | Ryan: Quickly to Wardens-Fox2-Room A! |
01:19 - 01:22 | [Mass Assembling] |
01:22 - 01:24 | Shadow: Come on Everyone in! |
01:26 - 01:34 | [Caspar Arrives, Cheering EDGE Members Can Be Heard] |
01:35 - 01:37 | Caspar: Looking Good Stronk! |
01:37 - 01:39 | Caspar: How's The Memes? Good? Lets Start |
01:39 - 01:41 | Caspar: That's my Björnik, What up Zaz |
01:42 - 01:46 | Caspar: Hello My Minions! Yeah Alright! |
01:46 - 01:50 | Caspar: Simmer Down. I SAID STFU! Thank you. |