Farmers going crazy with the weather #Harvest16
73,259 views • 10/26/2016
After several delays harvest 2016 has become one of the worst in recent memory
00:00 - 00:05 | So I've had snow ,sleet and rain this fall |
00:05 - 00:07 | I was out today trying to find |
00:07 - 00:10 | some grain close to being dry |
00:11 - 00:16 | then I saw on my twitter feed |
00:17 - 00:21 | That my neighbour had wheat testing 14 |
00:21 - 00:24 | No bloody way |
00:29 - 00:31 | I know |
00:31 - 00:34 | and it was in the swath |
00:38 - 00:40 | crazy eh! |
00:41 - 00:47 | and he said his canola was dry all bunched up |
00:47 - 00:50 | and was testing under 8 |
00:50 - 00:56 | and it was in the swath as well |
00:58 - 00:59 | My standing canola |
00:59 - 01:01 | was testing 16 |
01:04 - 01:06 | What a goof |
01:06 - 01:08 | His tester is screwed |
01:13 - 01:14 | ha ha |
01:14 - 01:16 | I hope he took a sample |
01:16 - 01:20 | to the elevator |
01:21 - 01:27 | or he's gonna have trouble |
01:35 - 01:36 | I haven't seen dry grain |
01:36 - 01:39 | since September! |
01:41 - 01:44 | and even then it was |
01:44 - 01:47 | just barely dry |
01:47 - 01:49 | So I took out my phone |
01:50 - 01:53 | and replied to his tweet |
01:54 - 01:56 | Hey you idiot |
01:56 - 01:58 | it's too early in |
01:58 - 02:02 | the day to be drinking |
02:05 - 02:07 | I know |
02:10 - 02:11 | Dry grain |
02:11 - 02:13 | after the weather we've had |
02:15 - 02:17 | Next thing he's going to tell |
02:17 - 02:20 | me his combine |
02:21 - 02:28 | is better than my Massey 9790 |
02:29 - 02:30 | You own a Massey |
02:30 - 02:32 | Damn rights buddy |
02:36 - 02:39 | My combine will kick his anyday |
02:40 - 02:42 | What a goof |
02:50 - 02:55 | Damn barley dust |
02:56 - 02:58 | Do you think you will finish harvest in 2016 |
02:58 - 03:04 | If the elevators let us start to haul |
03:04 - 03:09 | some of our tough grain maybe |
03:09 - 03:11 | I hope they start that freakin dryer |
03:16 - 03:20 | And give us dry #1 for our wheat |
03:23 - 03:26 | It's been a long harvest |
03:31 - 03:36 | I need a Rum. Make it a double |
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